First of all, a bit of history. Angie and I "met" when we were both part of an online writing course together in 2017. We didn't have a lot of interaction through the course, but when she decided to write this book, she put out a request for women to be a part of her research, and I responded. I filled out a questionnaire and then had a Skype interview. It was a great conversation, and when she acquired a publisher, I readily agreed to be on her launch team, which afforded me the pre-read.
Now, I have to mention that this whole "calling" thing has been on my mind for a number of years. Some Christians believe that everybody has been given a specific calling. Others believe that our calling is to just do the thing that we find in front of us to the best of our ability. I was sort of vacillating between the two because I like the idea of God being one who knows me intimately and has a Purpose for me (remember The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren? Yep, I read that). I think most people long for purpose, spiritual beliefs aside. But I've never really believed in my value enough to really believe there's a Purpose for my life. So that's the backdrop to my journey through Angie's book.
I Am a Leader was so helpful. Angie offered succinct definitions of what purpose and calling mean, and then she delved into the things that stand in the way of a woman discovering her calling. The book became a guide as I processed what it means to be a leader and how to embrace that role, and figured out how my gifts and dreams are a part of my calling toward leadership as a woman. All of this, as I mentioned above, has been swirling in my head for a long time. Angie's book helped me organize it.
Something that I really loved about the book was that it included throughout, thoughts from many of the women Angie had interviewed during the research process. These were refreshing, thought-provoking, informative, and reassuring. I appreciated her desire and effort to represent women everywhere who are on the journey toward calling as a leader.

Dr. Angie Ward's book on Amazon through this link: