We saw so much beauty in the sweeping vistas and in the macro lens, but it was the macro that got me thinking one day. I love taking pictures of flowers and mushrooms, snails and butterflies, snakes and chipmunks, all the fascinating things we see in nature. I wanted to stop at every third step, to snap and share the beauty of creation with others. As we walked through a narrow tunnel of tall wildflowers, I felt almost an obsession to take a picture of every one, and then I got to thinking about the flowers on the other side of the hill, where there was no trail, and I wanted to find them and take pictures of them as well, even though I knew it wasn't possible.

I think there is one who sees every flower, every blade of grass, every humming bee. The Creator of the beauty, he sees all of it and loves it. Something about this makes me...content. Maybe it's just freeing and refreshing to remember that everything is not about me.
There is a verse in the Bible that says, "Consider how the wildflowers grow: they do not labour or spin thread. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendour was adorned like one of these." Luke 12:27 CSB
I rest in the knowledge that nothing in the universe goes unnoticed.