I just finished this study called Big Fresh Faith by Lisa DeVries. Let me tell you a bit about it.

The study is broken into six weeks - but let me just say, even though we kept to the six-week time frame, my group could have easily spent twelve! Each week starts with a short video, and then proceeds with five days of diving deeper.
And boy, will you dive! We hashed through belief and unbelief, intimacy and reverence, mercy and atonement, abundant life, and more. My group's meetings were filled with thoughtful questions, sharing, lots of "yeah but's" and "what about's", light bulb moments, rabbit trails, and self-evaluating. All of us came to the end with a fresh perspective on our faith and excitement for the continuing faith journey.
Watch the trailer. Read the reviews. Get the book and start your own journey through it. I believe it is well worth the investment. Come back and comment when you're done. I'd love to hear what you gained from it.